2 min

Health & Ergonomics Essentials for Remote Workers

Working remotely presents challenges, which many employers and employees have not faced prior to the COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic.

If you would like Accurate Ergonomics to deliver a custom presentation/webinar to your Stakeholders, or provide online training or virtual services to your workforce, contact Accurate Ergonomics at 209.647.3303, 707.894.4544 or 1.866.950.3746.

Things to Consider:

How many people are working from home now, as opposed to 6 months ago?

How many will continue to work from home for months, or even years?

Are negative health outcomes and increased soft-tissue injuries likely to occur?

Some people may have an office at home with a desk and all of the ergo bells and whistles, however, many rely on using a dining room or kitchen table, or a sofa and coffee table. What are people eating and drinking? Are they gaining weight? What about physical movement, exercise and increased stress?

What could possibly go wrong?

Working from home for an hour or two is one thing, but working full time from home presents a number of challenges that all need effective solutions. Remember, just one back or other soft-tissue injury can cost $30,000 to $60,000 - or more! How much does a 10, 20 or 30% reduction in productivity cost?

Healthcare Practitioners and Ergonomists at Accurate Ergonomics are able to provide you and your employees immediate solutions, resources and special offers that you personally or your company can take advantage of today.

During this webinar, Healthcare & Ergonomics Specialists will discuss:

  • How to maintain and improve health & wellness outcomes

  • Set up a productive and comfortable home workspace

  • Create and maintain a healthy and productive work-life balance

  • What you need to know about home ergonomic equipment

  • Online and virtual resources

  • TeleHealth & Tele-Ergonomics and Coaching

  • And More!

Don’t miss this inspiring webinar.

Friday, August 7th at 11:00 am (PST)

Attendance is limited, so book your seat today.

We hope this video clip below brings you some joy!

Whether you are working from home or you are an employer with remote workers, we look forward to meeting you online.

If you would like to offer a custom webinar, online training or virtual services to your workforce, contact Accurate Ergonomics at 209.647.3303, 707.894.4544, 1.866.950.3746 or email info@AccurateErgonomics.com.

Be well,

Team Accurate
